Meet our speakers, David Kirchoff and Mort Morss



David’s first cross was in 1958, and his love of daylilies continues unabated. He is perhaps best known for his red and double flowered cultivars, although his two Lennington All American daylilies - were shades of pink. His two Stout Medal award winners – were both golden yellow. David eagerly anticipates the challenge of growing and hybridizing daylilies for northern hardiness.


Mort began hybridizing daylilies in 1971, and his cultivars are very popular and widely grown. His award winning, first introduction, was named INNER VIEW and it helped launch the popularity of patterned daylilies. Mort’s Lennington All American Award winning PAPER BUTTERFLY was the first widely acclaimed cultivar with a patterned eyezone. His unwavering pursuit of excellence in the realm of patterned flowers has resulted in a disproportionately large percentage of the most coveted patterned eyes and edges by cutting edge hybridizers world wide. The popularity of his cultivars is such that they usually sell out soon after they are offered and are beloved throughout the world.

Meet our speakers, David Kirchoff and Mort Morss

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