This is our 29th fall daylily festival! The location is in Camp Hill, near Harrisburg PA. Official events are scheduled noon to noon, October 26-27, 2024. Many attendees arrive early on Friday and enjoy the informal preview activities Friday evening and Saturday morning. On Saturday morning, Jim Murphy hosts a chat room, and we have other fun activities. We have many exciting speakers including Rhonda Veroeven, Bobby Scott, Jamie Gossard, Angela Ridder, and Charlie Gomer. Peter Donato will show the daylilies of the future. A wonderful buffet dinner is included in the registration fee and we have a huge plant raffle, silent auction, and great daylilies for auction.
We are excited this year to provide a reduced registration rate for first time attendees! And we have a great daylily plant to give each new attendee. We want more participation from within Region 3 and we love everyone who travels to Lilyhemmer from other AHS Regions. Lilyhemmer is fun for every daylily enthusiast who is able to attend.
Registration fee for 2024 is $110; $60 for first time attendees and $60 for youth members.
Online Registration Preferred. Online Registration
Click here to download the 2024 Registration Form
Click here to download the 2024 Program
Reward for new attendees:
We want to encourage new attendees, and we are offering a nice daylily plant to each new attendee. And there are lots of other prizes.
Join us for 2024 Lilyhemmer, our 29th year!
Lilyhemmer Registrar: Rich Crider
18910 Geeting Rd.
Keedysville, MD 21756
Slide Chairman: Hybridizers are invited to submit a maximum of 10 slides showing 2023 introductions or seedlings. Please send digital images in jpeg format. Minimum jpeg file size is 300 KB for adequate projection. Provide information on flower size, parentage, and other brief information about each flower. Deadline for submission is October 1, 2024.
Stuart Kendig
Live Auction Donations
Saturday evening, following our banquet, we hold an auction of potted daylily plants which have been generously donated by hybridizers, speakers, and Region 3 members. Occasionally we may have a bare root plant for auction or a donation card for shipment of a plant in the spring.The auction includes recent introductions and other high demand plants. In 2024 we have an additional program for donations of great garden performers regardless of their registration year. This is the My Best Plant program and you will find information about it on Facebook or contact Stuart below.
Needless to say, but we need your help with generous plant donations to support the auction which is Region 3's principal income source.Plants for the auction should be potted no later than August so they look good for the auction. To prepare for the auction we need to know about your donation as soon as possible and no later than Sept 15. Please contact us if you have questions or to tell us about your plant donation:
Stuart Kendig
(717) 880-5553
Camp Hill is adjacent to Harrisburg, west of the Susquehanna River.
Rooms are $119 plus tax, if reserved prior to September 30, 2024. Tell the hotel that you are with the Lilyhemmer Convention. Lilyhemmer must use a minimum number of rooms to earn free use of the meeting rooms. Parking is free. Pets are welcomed.
Penn Harris Hotel
1150 Camp Hill Bypass
Camp Hill, PA 17011-3734
Silent Auction
Contact Cynthia Marriott regarding silent auction plants.
610-647 7115
Lilyhemmer Raffle
Daylilies, perennials, and gardening accessories are all welcomed for the raffle. Please contact our Raffle Chairmen in advance so they know what is is being donated.
Gary Ball, 724-639-9526,
Cynthia Marriott, 610-647-7115